
noun | /ˌpɒz.əˈtɪv.ə.ti/


Good thoughts

Having good thoughtsis the main part of positive living. Positive thinking doesn't mean that you have to ignore what others are doing or help everything that others ask for. Positive thinking means that you hope the best things will happen, not the worst. Expecting the best and accepting the truth means positive thinking. Never judge others but give suggestions.Judging is harmful, it can hurt and reduce others confidence. Suggestions are advice, it can be helpful and useful.


Good words

If you are thinking good, you will havegood wordsTalking good words can create beautiful words. Not only to others but you should also say good words to yourself. By the same token positive words have an incredibly encouraging impact on a person's confidence and are vital for a child's healthy development. Things that are said to a child, especially from their parents, becomes part of who they are so it is important to be aware of what we say.


Good deeds

The last one is good deeds. Everything starts with you. When you trust others, they will trust you. If you don’t and they won’t, too. Every single habit that you did today can affect your life. For example, if you clean your room twice a week then your room won’t be messy or you workout everyday, you will be healthy. A tiny habit can change your life so don’t be careless about those tiny things. Remember to start your day with a positive smile and end the day in a positive way.

Trust your journey

Love Yourself

If you wants to love others, you must love yourself, first. When we love ourselves, we have an appreciation for our own worth or value. We don’t need affirmation from others and we don’t need them to tell us that we are good enough, smart enough, attractive enough—we simply know. If you don’t love yourself, you might be more critical of yourself. You might engage in behaviors like negative self-talk—for example, “I’m worthless”, “I could never succeed at this”, or “I’m not smart enough”. By doing the things that you enojoy or letting yourself to be happy can increase happiness, too.


Trust Yourself

The world is build with trust and sympathy. Before you trust others, you should trust yourself, first. To trust yourself, you must start with simple habits. For example, you promise yourself that you will drink a liter of water so you must drink a liter of water. When these simple habits get bigger, you will trust yourself that you can do everything that you said. After you trust yourself, you will trust others, too. When the people trust each others, the world will be more beautiful than now. Therefore, trust youself.



Drinking a liter of water a day, working out an hour a day and sleeping 8 hours a day are healthy habits that you must have and these are the parts of self-care. Focusing on yourself and ignoring negative is one of the self-care, too.Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy.s