Finding your happiness

“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it.”

By Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

  • Happiness means being willing to evolve.
  • True happiness is what you feel when you plant a tree or see the perfect sunrise (it doesn't matter where you see it from).

These tips will help to find happiness

• Practice Daily Gratitude.
• Let go for the heaviness.
• Surround Yourself with Positive People.
• Do Regular Acts of Kindness.
• Whatever make your soul happy, do it.
• Be forgiving
• Let go of the past
• True happiness is when we are happy with ourselves.
• More time to exercise
• Learn to meditate

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“To be happy, you must be your own shunshine”
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Practice Daily Gratitude

A possible theory is that gratitude moves people to experience more positive emotions, to thoroughly enjoy the good experiences, better their health, face adversity, and develop and maintain relationships of strength, which in turn makes you happier.
Three common ways people can express their gratitude are:
• By being gracious of their past (i.e., think of positive childhood memories)
• By being gracious for the present (i.e., taking time to be present and enjoy)
• By being grateful for what’s to come (i.e., hopeful and optimistic of the future) (Giving thanks makes you happier).

Let go for the heaviness

If You Want to Feel Light, You Have to Let Go.
We each carry our own heavy things like worry, fear, pain, and bad habits, but we all share the burden. It’s not just you who suffers from the weight you carry through the world. It impacts your work, relationships, health and everyone around you.
The heaviness can look like exhaustion, frustration, sadness, anxiousness and illness and when you keep holding onto everything, it’s hard to figure out what’s weighing you down.
• When you let go of anger or resentment from the past, your heart feels light.
• When you let go of fear of the future, your soul feels light.
• When you let go of perfection, everything feels light.

Surround yourself with positive people

Surrounding yourself with positive people can help mitigate the effects of stress, alleviate anxiety, and help you cope with depression.
There are many benefits of having positive people around us. They bring positive vibes, which if inherited will make you see the advantages easily. They inspire themselves and others. They encourage teamwork and better relationship with each other, and that increases productivity.
Once you’re surrounded by people with positive energy, you’ll see a change in yourself too. You’ll be more energized, motivated, and you will be less likely to be stressed.

Do Regular Acts of Kindness.

Acts of kindness can make the world a happier place for everyone.
• sending notes of gratitude – hand-write a thank you note to someone you admire or who has helped you out
• post a sticky note – stick post-it notes with nice messages written on them around your house or somewhere in public
• volunteering – being a volunteer helps others and is good for you too
• donating to a charity store – help people out by giving away what you no longer want or need
• smiling at strangers – smiling is contagious and it makes you feel good if people smile back

do it
Whatever make your soul happy, do it!

Happiness is not about having a lot of money, owning lands, cars and businesses. No, it actually about the person you become.
Start writing down anything that makes you happy. Write down things that put a burning passion in your heart, anything that lights a fire in your soul.
If you are a happy person, it doesn’t matter how big your money or how small your circle is. You will always be happy. Because happiness is acquired by the person you become not the things you attract into your life.

Be forgiving

Forgiveness is often the ingredient we need, to let go of what is weighing us down.
It can be forgiveness of ourselves or others. Whoever it’s for, forgiveness benefits the one that chooses it. It leaves us feeling lighter and more at peace. It doesn’t mean that we condone what happened. It means that we love ourselves enough to not want to keep ingesting poison created by negative thoughts and emotions. Notice today if there is something that you aren’t letting go of and think about how it is affecting you.

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Let go of the past

Letting go of the past, including people who hurt you, so suffering from that, brings relief, ease, joy and love. When you release the past you can start accepting the present.
• Create a positive mantra to counter the painful thoughts.
• Prioritizing yourself may help
• Practice mindfulness
• Engage in self-care
• Do not allow fear to hold you down
• Give yourself permission to forgive

True happiness is when we are happy with ourselves.

True happiness is happiness inside you. True happiness is enjoying your own company and living in peace and harmony with your body, mind and soul. True happiness is state of mind constantly being in love with yourself.
• First and the most important is to be a great lover for yourself, treat yourself as a prince or princess
•Stay away from people that are source of negativity
• Stay away from negative feelings of envy, jealousy, fear, anger
• Nurture your body and soul. Have nutritious meals and start meditation

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More time to exercise

Exercise is one of the most effective natural strategies to uplift your mood and mental health.
Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.
You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

• Movement helps you bond with others.
• Exercise helps reduce anxiety and depression .
• Exercise can help boost your confidence .
• Exercising outdoors has a effect on your brain similar to meditation.

Learn to meditate

People who meditate generally lead happier lives than those who don’t. Meditation is known to enhance the flow of constructive thoughts and positive emotions. Even a few minutes spent meditating regularly can make a big difference. It can lowers stress, reduces anxiety, enhances mental health, improve self-awareness and training the mind to remain calm, even in stressful situations.

Step:1 Sit upright comfortably
Step:2 Gently close your eyes
Step:3 Breathe deeply
Step:4 Slowly scan your body, and notice any sensations
Step:5 Be aware of any thoughts you are having
Step:6 When your mind wanders, focus on your breath
Step:7 Gently open your eyes when you are ready

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