Our services

Make sure that you know yourself and your current condition well.

Welcome to the Get tested service. Here, you'll find helpful tools that are commonly used to screen for mental health problems. You can start with a basic well-being test, which is used to test the current state of your mental well-being. You neeed to answer only five multiple questions freely and we will send the result to your email after you submitting the test. These tests do not provide conclusive edivence or a diagnostic as it pertains to mentall illness. Results from these tests serve as a screening tool and evaluate the state of your current mental well-being and possible problems.

Let's give a full rest to yourself just for "two minutes".

Relax for two minutes. Enjoy your two minutes. Relax. Reflect. Lie down. Listen. Sing. Sit. Do whatever you want in two minutes. One of the best service of our website is "relax for two minutes". We set a two minutes timer for you and you have to do "nothing serious or tiring" by just relaxing during the timer is running. This is extraordinarily useful for people who don't usually take a rest because of their work, school, home and etc.

You can start the timer by clicking the play icon () and stop it by clicking the . This icon () shows that the timer is being run while the loading icon () lets you restart the countdown in case you want to take more rest. You can view a lot of pleasant photo of nature and listen to the music during the rest due to your mood.

Enjoy your music. Enter your own world.

For some of the people, music is a trustful place to relax and heal themselves, it can even motivate them. Music is a powerful tool in healing and managing your feeling. So, we offered you a healing melody playlist. As not every family members can have the same music taste, there are varied types of music. We believed that you will love, please, admire, and calm by listening to the music. You can open music whiile you are working, studying, relaxing, happy, sad, angry, to be exact, everytime you feel like to listen. Enter your own fantasy world and enjoy. Imagine.

Let's be positive and be surrounded by positivities.

Every day, everyone is facing with endless challenges, problems, difficulties, conflicts and a lot more which are pulling down their positive mind, hope and motivation. Plenty of youths and adults are feeling depressed, sad, hopeless and lost. HOME want to remind them that there is always hope for everyone. That's the reason why HOME provided daily affirmation service. You can heal yourself peacefully by listening to and reading the affirmations. Take care, remember that you are important.

You can start the listening by clicking the play icon () and stop it by clicking the which shows that the audio is being played. Challenge yourself to read all the affirmation by listening at the same time. You will difinitely get something.

Meet our team


  • Hayman Hnin Pwint Aung (Coraline)

Head of theraphist

  • Kyal Sin Phyu (Scarlet)

Yoga guide

  • May Panchi (Lilith)

Motivation speaker

  • Myat Su Pyae Khaing (Kristen)